During the tour i n BraSil, on the program of the festival 5ª Semana Interplanetária de Palhaços(5ª Interplanetary Clown´s Week) i had the oportunity
For more informations about this master www.tanarua.com.br
One moment that i will never forget was after that ends the conversation, everybody starts to sing and to play with colorfull fabrics, playing drums. The music was one old samba of Geraldo Blota and Joseval Peixoto(1952)that calls Oi nóis aqui travêis and if you can understand brazilian portuguese, enjoy it:
" Se oceis pensa
Qui nóis fumos embora
Nóis enganemos oceis
Nóis fingimos que fumos
E vortemos
Oi nóis aqui travêis.
Nóis tava indo
Tava quase lá
E vortemo pra cá
Agora nóis vai ficá freguêis
Oi nóis aqui travêis.
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